Species: Cirsium japonicum var. spinossimum


Sample Location: National Institute of Biological Resources, Korea

Sample Part: flower, leaf, and root


Sequencing platform: Illumina Hiseq2500

Sequencing data: 74,566,546 raw reads

Assembly and Annotation

Assembly software: HISAT2, Trinity

Assembly result: 51,133 unigenes, accounting for 37 Mbases, with a mean size of 648.36 bp. The minimum size of the transcripts was 147 bp, whereas the maximum size was 15,402 bp.

Annotation Method: UniProt, Nr, GO, KEGG


Roy Neha Samir,Kim Jung-A,Choi Ah-Young,Ban Yong-Wook,Park Nam-Il,Park Kyong-Cheul,Yang Hee-Sun,Choi Ik-Young,Kim Soonok. RNA-Seq De Novo Assembly and Differential Transcriptome Analysis of Korean Medicinal Herb Cirsium japonicum var. spinossimum.[J]. Genomics & informatics,2018,16(4):e34.

