Species: Salvia hispanica
Sample Location: Seeds of S. hispanica Pinta cultivar were germinated in Sunshine®All-Purpose potting mix
Sample Part: leaf, root
Sequencing platform: Illumina HiSeq 4000
Sequencing data: 900,000,000 raw reads
Assembly and Annotation
Assembly software: Trinity
Assembly result: 279,905 contigs, N50 of 2,330 bp and a maximum transcript length of 26,500 bp.
Annotation Method: uniprot, GO, KEGG
Wimberley J, Cahill J, Atamian H S. De novo Sequencing and Analysis of Salvia hispanica Tissue-Specific Transcriptome and Identification of Genes Involved in Terpenoid Biosynthesis[J]. Plants, 2020, 9(3): 405.