Species: Trachyspermum ammi

Accession Number



Sample Location: The experimental station of College of Abouraihan, University of Tehran, Pakdasht, Tehran, Iran.

Sample Part: Inflorescence


Sequencing platform: Illumina Hiseq 2000

Sequencing data: Arak-3 and Arak-10 yielded 43,056,120 and 42,260,830 of high-quality reads; 51,965,127 and 47,891,026 high-quality reads were generated from the inflorescence tissues of Shiraz-17 & Shiraz-21, respectively.

Assembly and Annotation

Assembly software: Trinity, CAP3

Assembly result: 123,488 unigenes with N50 of 994 bp and 151,115 transcripts with N50 of 1291 bp (Arak-3, Arak-10, Shiraz-17 and Shiraz-21 of 62,380, 68,051, 72,074 and 73,093 unigenes, respectively.

Annotation Method: KAAS, TAIR10, Uniprot, NR, carrot genome databases, GO, KEGG


Soltani Howyzeh Mehdi,Sadat Noori Seyed Ahmad,Shariati J Vahid,et al. Comparative transcriptome analysis to identify putative genes involved in thymol biosynthesis pathway in medicinal plant Trachyspermum ammi L.[J]. Scientific reports, 2018,8(1).

