Species: Croton tiglium





Common Name

purging croton

Plant Figure


Croton tiglium is one of more than 1,200 different species in the large genus Croton, belonging to the family Euphorbiaceae. C. tiglium can be found in subtropical and tropical regions on both hemispheres. This plant was first mentioned in the medical literature over 2,200 years ago in China. The medical relevance is probably due to a huge variety of different secondary metabolites. Traditionally utilized as a purgative to treat gastrointestinal and intestinal disorders, as an abortifacient and counterirritant, the commercially available seed oil of C. tiglium is nowadays applied in homeopathy and acupuncture. C. tiglium produces various phorbol esters, including substances that were reported to be tumor-promoting, antileukemic and antimycobacterial, and even candidates for the treatment of HIV.